glömt bort och göra demhär, kmr inte ens ihåg vilken jag var på, så gör demhär 3 iaf
4. What's your favourite song from the album?
asså vet inte, älskar One thing, den är bäst akustisk <3
5. Do you prefer the WMYB or the GBY music video?
What makes you beautiful videon in my <3
6. Have the boys stopped you from doing something you'd regret?
tror nt de..
sen ska vi äta tacos osvosv...och se på massa film, mys =) har inget riktigt och säga egentligen.
justja, igår var jag i stan med my , köpte typ nagellack och flera tröjor, dan före var jag i stan med ivana och liz och firade VÄRLDENS BÄSTA LIAM som fyllde 19 år, yeees <33 grattis i efterskott daddy direction ;)
och just de, hade klassfoto och elevrådsfoto idag, skapligt kul... har inget och säga, så slutar skriva nu.. HERRÅ =)
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hahaha orkar inte x)
Hahahaha orkar inte.. Killarnas lärare berättar hur dem var i skolan.. Haha Louis låter lite som mig.''wasn't very interested in his school work'' ''Wasn't a great fan of...work'' (FÅR MIG ATT TÄNKA PÅ ATT JAG VERKLIGEN MÅSTE TA TAG I PLUGG OCH LÄXOR NU I ÅTTAN HAHA x) och ''He was a bit of rogue, lol'' haha orkar inte... Och Harry var väldigt populär, oj vad förvånad jag blir. Stackars Liam hade dåligt självförtroende :( Niall var omtyckt av lärarna och Zayn han var en trevlig ung man. lol x)Louis: Louis Tomlinson, 20, wasn't very interested in his school work at Tho Hayfield School. He's a very charming chap, but he wasn't a great fan of ... work, says his former head of year Jenni Lambert. "He was a bit of rogue, but he loved performing".Harry: It comes as no surprise that Harry Styles, 18, was well liked during his time at Holmes Chapel Comprohencive. And when he wasn't working in class Harry was singing with his band White Eskimo. "He was a popular lad", says his former head teacher Denis Oliver. "White Eskimo won ... when he was in year 10".
Liam: For some crazy reason, Liam Payne, 19, struggled with his confidence when he first joined performing arts group Pink Productions. "He was really umid when he first started", says teacher Jodie Richards. "He wanted to sing after watching his sisters, so he joined us by taking a singing-only role in his first show. But I literally had to push him onto the stage, he was so potrilled. It was clearly on that Liam had something special and was a natural talent.".
Niall: Cute! We always knew Niall Horan, 18, would've been a ... student. "He's remembered for his mannors and his personality, as much as his singing", says Ann Claulfield, deputy principal of SL Kenny National School. "He was a little saintly child and every teacher would say the same. A very, very good boy.".y Zayn: Zayn Malik, 19, is as nice now as he was back in primary school. "He is a totally unanected, respectful, delightful young man. It couldn't have happend to a nicer person", says John Edwards, head of Lower Fields Primary School.
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Varför gör dem såhär mot mig? :'(

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29 dagar med One Direction: Who's your favourite member and why?

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29 dagar med One Direction
Tjugonio dagar med One direction
Gör den här nu, bara för att jag kan och är fucking awesome.
1. Who's your favourite member and why?
2. Have you ever cried over the boys?
3. Have you ever met the boys?
4. What's your favourite song from the album?
5. Do you prefer the WMYB or the GBY music video?
6. Have the boys stopped you from doing something you'd regret?
7. Have they saved your life?
8. When did you become a Directioner?
9. How many posters do you have?
10. What's your favourite thing about Harry?
11. What's your favourite thing about Liam?
12. What's your favourite thing about Louis?
13. What's your favourite thing about Niall?
14. What's your favourite thing about Zayn?
15. Did you watch them on The X Factor?
16. What was your favourite X Factor performance?
17. Do you ever get jealous of Danielle / Perrie and/or Eleanor?
18. What is your favourite hairstyle on Liam?
19. Have you heard Louis' cover of Look After You by The Fray? If you have, what did you think?
20. Did you watch Liam on The X Factor in 2008?
21. What reminds you of Zayn?
22. What reminds you of Liam?
23. What reminds you of Louis?
24. What reminds you of Niall?
25. What reminds you of Harry?
26. Why do you love One Direction?
27. Are you going to their tour?
28. Are you a Narnian Directioner?
29. Favourite quote from any of the boys?
One Direction infection <3